I found out tonight in Dundee, at Magdalen Green my local park, there are cherry trees! So many and all bearing delicious delicious fruit. Rob, Jane and I went out picking them and made a cherry and apple pie afterwards. Unfortunately we didn't manage to get any photos but I'll leave you with the recipe:
For the pastry
8 oz plain white flour
4 oz butter
some water and a pinch of salt
700g fresh cherries
1 apple, finely chopped into slices.
3 tablespoons of demerara sugar
a little egg of milk to glaze the pastry.
Start by rubbing the butter into the flour until mixed through. Then add a drop of water and knead into a dough.
Line your pie dish with the pastry and blind bake for about 7-10 minutes. You should also have a little pastry left over for the top.
De-seed the cherries (this took quite a while, thanks Rob) and boil them down with some sugar in an cast-iron or heavy based pan for quite a while until it's all nice and runny and mushy.
Slide the apple and lay out on the base of the pastry, sprinkle with a bit of sugar and top with the cherry mush. Cut the remaining pastry into strips and weave over the top of the pie.
Bake for 30 mins, serve with ice cream.